Monday, December 12, 2016

Devotions in Isaiah Part 2 Preemptive Name

Preemptive Name  (Isaiah 43:12, 13)

Do you know any preemptive names? Some of us older dudes probably know of the Babe, Babe Ruth. No one else has ever been called “the Babe,” although some have been named “Babe.” How about Pele? (Soccer fans know him.) He was a great soccer player and no one, to my knowledge has called himself by that name. The preemptive name has been popular among celebrities recently. Anyone remember Fabian?  One I get a kick out of was Prince. Later, he became “the artist formerly known as Prince.” Then he went back. Was he “Prince the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince?”

Did you notice that we “forgot” something in our first meditation? We have considered all He did for us, but slightly ignored the “He.” Now let’s focus on the Who of our witnessing

Historically there have been some preemptive names. Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt. Even though there were several individuals who took the role and name, they were successive. Only one was Pharaoh at a time. Another name like that was Caesar. Again there were several Caesars, first being of the same family, then later, just assuming the title. But again, only one at a time.

Look at our verse for today. Isaiah 43:12
“And I am God.”
He did not call Himself, a god. That would be heresy and blasphemy. There is only one GOD, but He did not even use that. No, “The God,” or “The One God.” Just “God.”

That is as preemptive as you can get. Other places He says, There is no other,” but that is to keep us from being confused. He does not need it. And looking at verse 13 we see more explanation. “Even from eternity, I am He.” There will be no predecessor or successor, like with the Pharaohs or Caesars. He is eternal, never beginning and never ending. Just God. Notice the present tense. For Him there is no past or future. He is.

But what He says next is comforting, to those of us who are included in the chosen ones.
“And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?”

That sounds like John 10, doesn’t it? Jesus is talking about His sheep.
27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand." 

“Deliver out of,” or “snatch them out of.” That sounds like the same thing, right? “Deliver” is not the deliver of escaping harm or danger, but control. What is in God’s hand is there. Nothing can take it out or, to continue the verse in Isaiah, “reverse it.” The sheep in Jesus’ hand are secure. They have life, will never perish, and will not be separated. Pretty good stuff. It also pronounces the omnipotence of God. There is no power equal to Him, and thus nothing can challenge or change what He does. We are in His hand. Irreversibly so.

Did you think that Jesus made it up on the spot? Nope, He was quoting Isaiah. Look at the rest of Jesus’ comment.
29 “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.” (Omnipotence. Ed.)

Right out of Isaiah 43. And then He went on to explain that He and the Father are one. That was not great revelation to those who had been around Him. They could witness to that fact. And so can, and do, I. The ramifications are staggering. God chose me. He has declared or announced that, just as a Roman father announced his son when the boy reached the age of responsibility. God, and Jesus, can do that because they have saved me. Jesus actually died for my sins. God accepted that sacrifice and to prove it raised Jesus from the dead. (Romans 4:25)

And finally, He proclaimed me. Just to make sure that there is no doubt He used the Old and New Testament to affirm (proclaim) that I am His and His forever. “No one can take them (Jim, and you if you are ‘saved’) out of My, or the Father’s hand.” 

What a promise. No, not just a promise, an affirmation of fact. And the One who made it is God. He is the great preemptive One. We talk of security: web security, identity security, property security, all kinds of security. But this security is undoubted, unchanging, and unchallengeable.

He is preemptive in His identity. He is omnipotent; He is sovereign; He is eternal; He is compassionate (calls sheep); He is faithful; He is the only One; and He has made Himself known. He is preemptive and He is preemptive in His announcements. There can be no doubt. God said it. We can only fall in wonder and worship.

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