Friday, December 30, 2016

A Modest Proposal For Mr. Trump (and us all)

Moses, according to Numbers 6:24-26 (KJV), would go out everyday before the Children of Israel and deliver this invocation before they began any journey.
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

The “bless you,” was and is more than just a “hope things go well for you.” The blessing that every man desperately seeks is to be saved. The ultimate blessing, as those newly freed slaves knew, was to be free from tyranny and oppression. And the ultimate tyrant and oppressor is Satan. How blessed we are to be free from his embrace.

“...and keep you.” Being saved or blessed is not enough. The state of salvation can, and will be attacked, even from unexpected quarters. The Israelites faced danger from other desert dwellers, even though they did not need fear Pharaoh any longer. The dangers ranged from attacks by armies of people living in the wilderness to deadly snakes. This invocation specifically charges the Lord with the responsibility for “keeping” them and us.

“The Lord make his face to shine upon you.” Watch a proud grandparent overseeing the activities of a toddler exploring a new environment. The eager face of the child is reflected in a contented smile on the face of the elder. Approval, love, hopes for the future, and commitment to do all that is possible to make it the best it can be are encased in the shining face. God shows all this and more as, “His face shines on us,” just as it did the ancient Israelites.

“Be gracious to you.” Grace was displayed at Calvary when He let His Son die for us. His grace is extended daily to us as we stumble through this “wilderness” that we inhabit. Grace also would include provisions for all that we need. God graciously provided food every day, and water, and guidance for the entire 40 year journey through this rough land. We are promised the same.

“Lift up His countenance upon you.” A little obscure term today, but the Biblical reference is comparing it to “hiding” His face as when the people sinned. Keeping Him “facing” us is our responsibility in this transaction. During the early days, the chapters would note that the children of Israel did all that the Lord commanded them. Later, they began to disobey overtly, like the “calf,” or covertly by grumbling and complaining.

The invocation is a two way street of God’s blessing, keeping, and sustaining, and our obedience. Moses did not need to implore the Lord to maintain His stance. He merely repeated it to assure and remind his hearers.but we and the Israelites have a ways to go to be faithful to our responsibilities.

“And give you peace.” Peace is on everyone’s mind and agenda. But Moses was talking about more than a lack of military opposition and oppression or the threat of terrorism. He saw peace with God as the ultimate endpoint of both their desert journey and their mortal lives. This plane is not the goal of our existence. It is the preparation for the ultimate reality where all of these are eternally enjoyed.

How blessed would our nation be if, on the cusp of every day, the President, like Moses, stood facing the rising sun, hands uplifted, praying for his people. Add to that the heads of all the cabinet posts and government agencies. Include the Governors of all the states. And most importantly, let every father stand, facing his family imploring God...
The Lord bless you, and keep you;  The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.

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