Friday, November 4, 2016

Two Angels

Have you ever wondered why the Lord sent two angels down to Sodom to announce the destruction? You can read the story in Genesis 19. The Lord and two angels had visited with Abraham in the previous chapter and Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the city if ten righteous men could be found there.

The conclusion is in 19:1 as the two angels approach the city. Obviously Sodom failed the ACT test of morals. (Acts Consistent with Truth) After some dialogue they agree to spend the night with Lot and his family. (Aside: the subsequent acts confirm the failing score of the city in moral areas.)

But why did two angels have to go? Was it to keep each other company? Every other instance of personal angelic intervention lists only one angel. There were times when people saw more than one, but that was for the sake of effect. For example Elisha and his servant were threatened by the Arameans in 2 Kings 6, God revealed to the servant just how many “troops” were actually protecting him. The shepherds in Luke 2:9 and 13 had a single angel announce to them then they  saw angelic choirs. (For effect.)

Mary, Joseph, Zacharias, Balaam, Hagar, Daniel, and even Saul (New Testament) only saw one angel. But the angels were not lonely. Nor would one suppose that they needed two to “confirm their witness.” (Deuteronomy 19:15) Since no one but Lot believed them the confirmatory witness was not needed. And indeed, this was not a court. The judgment had already been rendered.

Maybe it was for protection. After all the men of Sodom attempted to assault the visitors. No, that does not fly. Lot, himself, pulled them in out of danger. And the angels then blinded the antagonists. No need for help there. History verifies that as one angel “smote” all of the first born of Egypt. And in 2 Kings 19:35 one angel killed 185,000 Assyrians.

One angel is sufficient to handle one army. So why two?

The answer might be back in Genesis 19. After the night of high drama, the angels urged Lot and his family to vacate the premises.
16 But he hesitated. So the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters, for the compassion of the Lord was upon him; and they brought him out, and put him outside the city.

They seized the hand of Lot (one), his wife (two), and the hands of his two daughters (three and four). The Lord sent two angels because He knew that it would take four “hands” to lead Lot and his crew out of harm’s way. And even then, Mrs. Lot (no other name ever given) was so disinclined to leave the hole from which they had escaped that she looked back. Salt city.

God’s mercy and grace went so far as to supply the exact number of hands to remove Lot and his family from danger. One, God is always prepared. And two, He is looking out for our good. What a great God. And maybe three, there are no “unnecessary” details in the story. Trust your Bible.

Lesson for today. Go back to Genesis 13. Verse 12 in King James is telling.
Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. (Emphasis added.)

Alternative versions vary in using the terms close to, or very near, and some even say in Sodom. Regardless, King James’ picture is clear. Lot was leaning towards the fire, literally, and when it came, even he was attracted and cemented to the evil city. The angels had to “compel” him and his family to leave.

What seemed like an innocent and even “smart” decision, ultimately was shown to be extremely lacking in wisdom. Watch how you “lean” your tent.

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