Saturday, October 29, 2016


I have been watching The Atheist Delusion and realized something. Our computers are all run on binary code, zeros and ones. The DNA strand has four components in its coding. So imagine how complex DNA can be. If you have the complexity of computer codes by just using two digits, how much more complex can the “codes” be that are formed from four digits? 

With two digits, 1 and 0, in a three unit chain, you can have 8 combinations. Why three unit structure? That is the basic codon or identifier for amino acids in DNA. The DNA codon is composed of three “digits,” called bases.. They are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, (A, G, C, and T) which are all linked to a ribose sugar and phosphate backbone. So a series of three bases would have 64 possible combinations. DNA, recall, is the blueprint for all of life. But it starts with proteins.

(For the scientifically interested, there are 20 basic amino acids used in proteins. A specific codon on the DNA tells which amino acid goes next in the amino acid chain that produces proteins. If the codon was two sets of bases, it could specify 16 amino acids. But since there are three in the codon, more than enough combinations, 32, for all of the amino acids exist. Is this just “luck” or another evidence of design? Hummmm.)

Proteins vary from about 100 to thousands of amino acids in length. So a short DNA strand would have about 100 codons or 300 base pairs lined up in a row. The bigger ones would be thousands times three. And if it just stopped there, the information storage of DNA would be pretty impressive. 

But DNA has a secondary level of information storage. Every DNA “strand” is attached to another, complementary one in the famous “double helix.” This effectively doubles the storage capacity of a “single” DNA unit.

Further, the chains are looped. They double back on them selves. This folding or tertiary structure contains information that scientists are just beginning to understand. If the DNA chain is stretched out straight, it will not operate. It must have the loops. And just for good measure, many, not all, DNA molecules interact with one or more other ones to produce the information. Again, an isolated DNA molecule does not function without the coordinating structures of other molecules. 

And all of this is contained in the genes that comprise chromosomes and direct every aspect of life. The genes are required to produce another cell like the parent. The point of this discussion is that for life to arise spontaneously on earth, the DNA structure, all four levels, would have to be present in the very first cell. Then when the “lucky strike” that vivified the cell into life hit, it could replicate and begin the evolution process. Note that this whole enterprise must be in place and perfect in order for the nascent living cell to do anything.

(Note: We have ignored the pre-life problems of organizing itself into a coherent structure and  containing itself within cell walls. It would require having mechanisms for respiration--breathing, and nutrition--eating, and all of the necessary components such as oxygen and organic materials to conduct life activities once it was struck. Only once all of that is operating and effective, can it begin the process of replicating itself.)

For someone to assert that life simply began spontaneously by good luck is, to be blunt, demonstrating a abysmal ignorance of life, its structures, and activities. We have abandoned the arena of science and entered the world of make believe and whimsey. Even Tolkien and Lewis failed to achieve such elevated levels of imagination.

Ray Comfort, in The Atheist Delusion, follows a simplified line of reasoning to provide proof that there is a God. When faced with such overwhelming information provided by DNA, even the most ardent atheist must admit that something is going on. They do not believe IN the one true God, but they are compelled to admit that there must be something or someone. It is so far beyond the possibilities of chance that a reasonable, logical person must agree.

John 1:12 sums it up for us: 
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name....

Jesus believed the Genesis account. He quoted it often as authoritative. I follow Jesus here. I believe. It is a delusion to be atheist.

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