Thursday, August 18, 2016

Theological Oddities

In our last consideration, we talked about physical oddities that worked out just about opposite of what one would expect. This time we will examine some theological statements and how they are not exactly what we might expect when first viewing them.

Let’s start with Jesus. One of the most famous quotations from the cross was, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) And we all know for whom Jesus was requesting forgiveness. Right those mean soldiers.

I agree, but were there more? Well, yes, the Jewish leaders were the one who orchestrated this travesty and the crowd went along. They all needed forgiveness. Right-o!

Can you think of anyone else? Where were the disciples? Old Pete had declared that he would go to death with Jesus and all we see is his heels. Hey, where’s Lazarus? If anyone should not fear the prospect of death, he would be one. And what about the other guys who were raised from the dead, and healed, and weren’t there about 9,000 along with their women and children fed on two occasions? In fact just about everyone in Judea and Galilee had been touched, from being freed from demons to being cared for at a wedding.

In all of those who had been touched, do we see anyone supporting Jesus? The only people we can identify seem to be women named Mary or associated with them. And John, the youngest disciple. He was there for a while, anyway. But everyone else in that crowd was egging the soldiers on. Even the two on either side of Him for a while. Did the forgiveness cover them also? How many is that, five or six groups? The soldiers, the leaders, the crowd, the disciples, the followers, the “malefactors,” all were pretty much in line for the blessing.

We know for sure that one who was crucified along with Jesus accepted forgiveness. That may be the crucial issue here. Forgiveness offered does not equal forgiveness accepted. There is one other person who should be included. It is ME. Jesus’ offer of forgiveness is open for me and I took it. The same is true for any other “Me” out there. It is not automatic. We have to receive it. But why not?

There was a lot of forgiving going on that day. Praise the Lord.

(More next time.)

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