Monday, August 29, 2016

I Saw Satan Fall

Reading the Scripture is a constant source of amazement. Something that we “knew” suddenly comes alive in a new way with a totally new, yet consistent, meaning. Take Luke 10:17, 18 as another example.
17 The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” 18 And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”

Jesus had sent them out to minister and they returned exultant and ecstatic. They were amazed that even demons were defeated in Jesus’ name. The next phrase is one that I thought I understood. Jesus is explaining the source of their power. I always thought that His statement was that since, long ago, Satan had been defeated, that continued in their ministry. It also could prefigure Satan being booted out of heaven in Revelation 12:7-10.

Jesus did see Satan thrown from heaven in Isaiah 14:12-15 and repeated in Ezekiel 28:12-19. When Satan challenged God’s authority, even acting to remove God, he was defeated, deposed, and deported. We understand that one third of the angels joined in the rebellion and the whole crew was defeated. Lucifer had been the anointed cherub, perhaps the highest angel of all, and was stripped of his position and authority. But more completely, he was banished from God’s immediate presence.

Revelation 12 records a second defeat and the hordes will be confined exclusively to the earth. That will unleash the most devastating period of time in history as Satan marshals his best (strongest) and last challenge to the Lord God.

But does that seem a little convoluted for the circumstances of the Luke passage? Yes, Jesus did see Satan fall, and foresaw the ultimate fall, but how does that apply to the “return of the 70?” (That would be a great name for a novel or movie. But I digress.)

What if Jesus is responding directly to their comments? He sent them out, they led the assault on the “prince of the power of the air.” And Jesus reports the result. He, Who had vision beyond that  of just a man, saw Satan fall from power in a sense as people were delivered from the strangle hold of demons. Like a bolt of thunder and flash of lightning, relief was provided.

That does not diminish either of the other instances, but it mightily enhances the impact of the work of the 70–and us as we follow in their steps. We can directly bombard the power of evil in our world and society. Release those in bondage from their sin and guilt.

A friend of mine likes to say he is stationed at the gates of hell, to catch the last ones as they are drawn in. Satan’s power is diminished with each soul retrieved. It is time to go to war, Christian soldiers. Onward.

We need to make some more “lightning bolts” fall.

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