Monday, September 2, 2019


When rain falls, it hits the highest peaks first. That said, a cleaning process logically and logistically begins with the highest elements and progresses down the body of the object to be cleaned. When God cleans His church, the same principle will apply. The “highest” or most prominent and quite possibly the most Christ-like will experience the cleansing bath before anyone else.

Ironically, this came to mind in a dream. I was addressing a group of camp counselors and their charges. I do not remember the topic or passage from which I was speaking, (probably a good thing, now that I think about it) but as we progressed through the message a number of the leaders began to express repentance and contrition. Some merely wept quietly, while others got up and went to the altar and knelt. This was followed by others doing the same or approaching each other, whispering a few seconds, then embracing, often with tears.

The lesson didn’t seem to be that profound when I wrote it, but the Holy Spirit was using it in a mighty way. Now, mind you, this was a dream. But it made me think of two real-life situations. First, is the real predicament with which the church faces both the society in general and the coming future. And our second situation is this world itself. God’s message has been discarded and disregarded for decades. Is there hope?

Several pastors have recently discussed revival and, to a man, they commented that no revival in history has commenced without a movement of prayer preceding it. And we will not experience revival without prayer. A Christian radio network pauses every day at 12:00 to remind us to pray for our world, our country, our church, and our family. They present striking examples of how prayer “worked” in the past, and challenge us to emulate that posture today in our situation.

Weather disasters, military defeats, and spiritual confusion are just some of the examples cited. We literally face all of those things today. Our country, our churches severally and Church corporately, and our families are struggling with issues that seem unprecedented in history.

The second thing about revival after being introduced by prayer is that it “hits the highest peaks” first. Revival will begin at the top and wash down. The time for Jesus to return is drawing near. And, like the rain, the realization of His work will fall on the highest peaks first.

I grew up on a farm with a small septic tank. (This will tie into our thought, just hand on.) In an attempt to not overfill and thus cause a “toxic or noxious” spill, we conserved water. One way we did that was the washing machine did not empty into the septic system. It discharged out back under a tree, which I am sure benefited from the phosphates in the detergent. But I digress.

The practical application was that when we took baths, we shared the water, again to avoid overtaxing the capabilities of the limited septic system. And the smallest, and usually the cleanest, took their baths first, then we older, dirtier ones took ours last. God the Holy Spirit will begin to cleanse His family, the church. He will address the “cleaner” ones first, then progress down (literally) the line to the rest of us.

But the key issue is that He will clean us and prepare us for His service. This is our second point of application. This world is drying up and dying like the tomato plant that we put in our yard. We got a few plum-sized fruit from it, and the tomato lover was pleased with the crop. But the end is coming, both for that plant and for the world. The Lord is at the door. The angel is holding his trumpet to announce His return. 1 Corinthians 15:52 a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

That refers to His coming for the church, then seven years later He will return, with His church, all dressed in white to cleanse the world of those who reject Him. (Revelation 19:11, 14) That is just like the Flood in Noah’s day. What a spectacle! The Groom comes riding on a white charger and His Bride, in full regalia, that is a wedding gown, comes riding behind!

(Historical disclaimer. I think it was Queen Victoria in 1840 who began the tradition of a bride wearing a white gown. But she surely did not invent the concept. It was right there in Revelation. She merely copied it. That said, the “bride” in Revelation will probably not be wearing a “ball gown” such as we have come to expect at weddings. The white clothes, representing purity are not a vestige of historical interpretation. They are real. And they are the focus of our thoughts.)

(Second disclaimer. I heard a guy saying that “the last trump” (KJV) is the current President. He is a Trump. Can you say, “Bo-gus!” with gusto and disgust? The trumpet in Corinthians is a literal trumpet. My Dad called me son, but I did not light up the world. A coincidence in names is not a prophetic revelation. Don’t be foolish. Nuff said.

(Well maybe one more thing. I was dating a girl in college named Joy and she dumped me. I talked to my counselor and told him that I had just that morning read a verse that said, “...that I may finish my course with joy.” (Acts 20:24) That was a promise, I claimed, that Joy and I would live life together. “Nope,” (you dope, he didn’t say) “that is just a coincidence in words. It is not a prophetic comment.” Read the Bible carefully, but intelligently. Now nuff said.)

Back to cleansing. Purity begins at the top. Personal note: I wash my hair and head first, then down to the trunk and armpits, followed by, uh, well you know, then the legs and feet. TMI, probably. Top-down is the point. The pure church will be produced by cleansing from the top down. Pray for our leaders, that they will experience the cleansing of the Holy Spirit. Then we open ourselves to His purifying touch. Finally, let the “cleansing bath” wash all over the society and world.

John finished his survey of coming things with, “Even so come, Lord Jesus.” Amen and amen. Be clean. (Revelation 22:20)

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