Friday, December 7, 2018


God is sovereign. He is in control of everything. Just today I was reminded of how God uses every event that happens to bring us to a place to glorify Himself. Listen to the “first person” account of someone that we have often read about, but very seldom considered.

"Hi, I am so happy to get the chance to visit with you today and tell you my story. I grew up in a dysfunctional home but at least I learned a craft. Unfortunately, it was the skill of larceny. I was a professor and practitioner of the art, par excellence. I very seldom was caught, and was always able to talk my way out of it or play on peoples’ sympathy and escape.

"Then one day I heard this itinerant preacher from up north. He had some very interesting things to say, but my partner quickly debunked everything this guy said. He reminded me that this guy was just like all the rest. He was probably just trying to make a shekel, and preaching was as good a way as any other. It might even have been easier than stealing, but we surely had bigger scores than he did.

"Well, one day we slipped up and the guy we accosted was actually a soldier in civvies. He took exception to our attempting to lift his wallet. Before you could say ‘Mazel Tov,’ which it was not, we thought, he had us on the ground and surrounded by his comrades. We were carted off to jail, and after a perfunctory hearing, we were sentenced to death. Death! It wasn’t like we were trying to lift a talent or more. Just a few shekels.

"Well, they marched us out to the execution hill and wouldn’t you know it, that Preacher was there too. He was being nailed to a cross just like the one we were. My partner commented, between whacks of the hammer, ‘What did I tell you? He was ripping people off too and he got caught too. We’ll see how well his yammering serves him now.’

"I ignored him and just watched. Just after we had been hoisted up and begun our hours or even days' long ordeal, this ‘faker,’ according to my partner, Jud, forgave the guys who were crucifying Him. My head nearly split with the realization that He was innocent. He had done nothing wrong, and here He was dying just as we were.

"Then Jud mocked Him and finished with, ‘If you are really some SuperGuy, save yourself and us with you.’ Good old Jud. Always thinking of me, too.

"‘You idiot!’ I shouted. ‘Don’t you understand what is happening? He is innocent. You are mocking God, Not a good plan, Buddy.’

"Then I rested my eyes on this Guy’s face. ‘Remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’

"And then the most powerful, wonderful words I have ever heard passed His lips. 'Today you will be with Me in paradise!'

"You know, Jud and I had been lamenting at the 'bad luck' that led us into that soldier’s path. Now I know that it was not bad, but good. If we had escaped, I would have missed this Jesus guy and died unrepentant. What a propitious break–not! Now I know that my steps that day were guided by the God in Heaven and He took me to the cross to meet His Son. What a wonderful thing. And now I am in heaven with Him, just as He promised.

"God was in control of every step that we took down there, and I can assure you that He is guiding you as well, my friend. How great a God is He! ‘Thank You for bringing me to Your kingdom.’"

God guided that thief to the encounter that we fantasized here for a purpose. God had a special place for him in heaven and in history. We will have to wait until we get to heaven to discover how many people have accepted Christ “at the last minute” based on this guy’s testimony. No one is too bad or too far gone to be reached by God’s love.

Our lives, likewise, are guided and controlled by a loving Heavenly Father. He has a purpose for everything that happens to us–excuse me, everything that He brings to us–and it is for His glory. He will use it to bring glory to Himself and bring us a closer relationship with Him. What a wonderful and comforting truth to take into tomorrow.

Thank You, Jesus, for all that You do. Amen.

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