Tuesday, December 25, 2018


More thoughts on Christmas: Most commentators agree that Jesus was not born in December, on the traditional day that we celebrate.

Some suggest a September date and counting back would put December as the time of the conception. And, in actuality, the miracle of Christmas is in the conception, and not the birth. Despite a somewhat unusual setting, the birth itself was pretty standard. The aspect of the birth that is miraculous is that no human father was involved. Mary, and later Joseph, had this explained to them in Luke and Matthew.

If the conception did, indeed, occur in December, then our celebration of the date is not misplaced, but strongly reminds us of Jesus’ character and claim to deity. And He was and is God. As such, when He died, He paid the penalty for sin for all mankind.

We dare not leave it there. He died, was buried, and was in the grave for three days. And then...HE ROSE!

The Message of Christmas is that He rose and is coming again. And even if the shepherds did not comprehend all of this, we can. The angels certainly were clued in and the celebration was not just of the long promised Messiah, but the Substitute Who would take away the sins of the world.

I think that the angels also foresaw the resurrection. Abraham had taken his son on a three day journey to sacrifice him–and returned with him alive. Isaac was not resurrected physically, but he was as good as dead for three days, then was returned to his mother and family alive.

God’s Son was returned to His mother and family–the church–alive after three days. And that is certainly cause for celebration. Hallelujah! He is risen! He is coming again.

Have a blessed Christmas. God has blessed us. Redemption is accomplished. Amen.

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