Thursday, September 8, 2016

Truth Project: Do Not Be Taken Captive

I had the privilege and joy of beginning to experience the Truth Project again last night. And believe it or not, someone else can do a good job in leading it. I was ready to jump in and help out if he ran into trouble, but no need. I think that I may have found a new friend. At least he is a potential friend. We should get along well.

If you have never been through the Truth Project let me encourage, no strongly enjoin you to do so. And do it as quickly as possible. (Link) This is a critical time in the life of our country and the world. The circumstances need, no require, clear, concise, Christian thinking. By Christian I do not mean sectarian, but Christ centered, Biblically based understanding and interpretation.

One of the key issues was R. C. Sproul repeating Romans 12:2.
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

He repeated this in response to the warning Paul gave in Colossians 2:8.
Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ.

How do we avoid being taken captive and deceived by philosophy? Do not let this world shape you, but let your mind be transformed or metamorphosed. Notice the progression. First resist the pressures of the world, but do not stop there. Renew your mind, transform it, change it as radically as a caterpillar (insect, not machine for my Peoria friends) caterpillar  metamorphoses into a butterfly.

And here Dr. Sproul emphasizes that this is an intellectual process. Too often we find people who want to experience a “spiritual awakening” but want that experience to leap directly to their heart, bypassing the mind. Paul said that the ability to resist conforming is based on our intellectual preparation.

How else can we recognize the deceit of human tradition, the elemental forces of the world? The world uses what Del Tackett calls, assumptive language. They make an assumption and then reason from that as if it had been proved. Most often it has not and cannot be proved.

A recent headline on the Loch Ness monster began, “There is no doubt the shores of Scotland teemed with gigantic sea reptiles 170 million years ago.” Notice the assumption? First “no doubt.” Second “170 million years ago.” The author does not want to discuss his assumptions, so begins with, “No doubt,” despite the fact that there was no calendar on the remains of the particular specimen he is discussing. So he assumes 170 million years and buttresses his assumption with bravado–“No doubt.”

If we challenge it we appear to be simpletons or ignorant buffoons. Our pride keeps us quiet.

It is tempting to follow this attractive rabbit trail, but our point is assumptive language. “Get on the right side of history,” we are often challenged when discussing “archaic” or even reactionary  ideas of morality and behavior. Assumption: this is right and you are wrong, but will eventually come around to our way of thinking. (It is a good thing old Chris Columbo did not “come around.” I guess literally he DID come around and they had to follow. Pun intended.)

Our minds are the defense against such camouflaged attacks. They attack our emotions. “Catch up with the times,” and the like. Cartoons are effective bazookas against our emotions and are utilized regularly.

Just thinking is not the answer. We have to have something to think about. This involves some basis for our thoughts and actions and ultimately beliefs and behavior. We study Scripture. Then we branch out into investigations of the other “proofs” God has given us.

Psalm 19:1 gives us a good starting place.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.
Notice how the chapter continues:
Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.
3 There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard.4 Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.

Without spoken language, the message has gone out to the entire world. But we have to look and listen to it. Study. Learn. (See below.) And the transformation will produce a defense and armor against being a captive to the philosophy of this world. Notice that Paul does not call it a fake or false philosophy. It is real, but it is wrong.

“Study to show your self approved.” Join a Truth Project group. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Join a small group.

See the Ps 19 Studies in Sweet 16 July 

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