Wednesday, September 7, 2016

RAMP Reviewed

RAMP Reviewed
(See three earlier posts below. Three Minute Drill and other RAMP posts.)

The Original RAMP used “miracles” instead of manuscripts. The manuscripts detail the miracles, so there is a lot of overlap there. And just recently a new edition of Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ was published and it contains a treasure house of information on this topic.

I just recently received a link for another look at archeology.

Let’s take a quick look at Miracles as a proof for God, Jesus, and the Bible. Miracles involve a supernatural intervention into somebody’s daily life–or even death in the case of some, like Lazarus. The question, then is how do we know that these are not just fables or invented stories? Back to the earlier comments, particularly the manuscripts. These reports were written during the lifetimes of the witnesses.

One of my favorites is 1 Corinthians 15:6:
Then He appeared to over 500 brothers at one time; most of them are still alive, but some have fallen asleep.

Notice Paul’s qualifier. This does two things. First, it confirms that this epistle was written in the time frame of AD 50-55, because some people who were there about AD 35 were still present. The critics claiming that it was written 100 years later are out to lunch.

Second, this is another internal confirmation of the veracity of the report. If there are living witnesses, it is hard to promulgate a myth, especially such an outlandish one as a dead person being seen alive.

The other miracles ranging from changing water to wine; walking on water; healing the sick, lame, blind, and deaf; and even raising the dead were never denied or refuted by witnesses. Even the Jewish leaders admitted that He had done miracles, but attributed them to demonic powers. (Matthew 9, Matthew 12, and Mark 3)The two options become clear when the recipients of the miracles are repeatedly advised to “worship God” after receiving a miracle.

Combining the miracles with the manuscript evidence and confirmation produces a compelling and conclusive result. Adding the two times that God spoke from heaven concerning Jesus makes this a very difficult proof to logically and rationally deny.

Matthew 9 Particularly vs. 34

Matthew 12 Particularly vs. 24

Mark 3 Particularly vs.22

Matthew 3:17 and  17:5

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