Thursday, July 19, 2018

Prayer on a Plane

That title sounds better than the movie about undesirable “‘Visitors’ on a plane.” I did not ever see that movie, and will not ever do so. On the way home from Minneapolis recently, we “randomly” chose a spot on the plane to Nashville and sat beside an interesting character. Just for the record, my wife led the way down the aisle and passed up a couple of sets of seats on the window. (We expected to be on a full plane, so accepted the role of taking the infamous center seat on the Boeing planes on Southwest Airlines.)

We slipped into the window and center seats beside a guy who had taken the aisle seat and settled down. “Hi, I’m Jim.”

He responded that his name was Micah. I asked it it was Mikah or Micah. He responded that it was Micah with a “C.” “Like in the Bible,” I responded.

“Yes, my dad was a preacher.”

Next we chatted about our destination. We were going “home,” and he was hoping to catch a connecting flight to Pensacola. But he was not confident of making the connection, as our plane was over an hour late in departing. He explained that he had discovered a rental car company that would not charge him a fee to rent at the BNA airport and return in in Pensacola.

Then he mentioned that since we live in the Nashville area we might have known of his uncle. His dad was a Baptist preacher and had a twin brother who preached in Nashville. I punched him (lightly) in the shoulder, and exclaimed his uncle’s name. He had been the preacher at the church we attended.

He nodded agreement and we began an exciting and exhilarating discussion that lasted most of the flight. During that time, we discussed his family and his uncle. What fun it was to catch up on an old friend. (Well not “old” but long time friend.)

During the course of our conversation, I mentioned the book “Sing” by Keith and Kristyn Getty. I was reading it and was completely overwhelmed by the import and message of this little volume. (Ed note: Get that book. It doesn’t cost very much and pass it to every pastor and music/worship leader that you know. Read it first. Here is a link for a quick view and a link to order the books at $5 apiece for 20. It also has some free resources and the printout of chapter 1.

The Gettys have a fantastic view of music and its role in the church. We are created to sing. We are commanded to sing. And we are compelled to sing. Here is an excerpt from the description:
Authors, lyricists, and worship leaders Keith and Kristyn Getty write to church members to remind them why the Church should sing, when the Church should sing, and how the Church should sing. A congregation that gains a greater understanding of why they sing won't dread a worship service, with arms crossed and shoulders slumped, but see singing as an opportunity to proclaim the gospel together in obedience to God.

My attitude toward music is totally changed, and I am now an evangelist for singing. Get the book. Get several, (20 at $5 each) and put your name on the inside cover of each one that you give out. Ask the recipient to do two things. First read it, then hand it on to someone else, after putting his name under yours. See how long it takes to get back to you and how many people it touches.

I am going to print stickers with the following:
This book has changed my outlook on music, singing, and worship. I pray that it will affect you as much as it has me. Please read it, put your name below, and pass it on. This is not a library book, it is a circulation book. Wear it out. May the Lord bless you.

Back to the story. During our discussion, I felt the Lord prompting me to do two things. First to give Micah the book. So I finished reading it and gave it to him. Second, I should pray that the Pensacola flight would be delayed and he would make his connection and get home without having to drive over 400 miles to Pensacola.

As we neared our landing, he checked the online schedule for his ticket. His plane, that originally was to leave about 7:40 or so, had been delayed to 8:20. We got onto the jetway about 8:05 and he had gone in front of us.

We prayed that the Lord would get him home that night, and that the prayer was answered. Our random encounter was obviously the Lord directing us to meet a new friend and reconnect with some ol–uh previous ones.

This is expected. Check a few references:
Psalm 31:3 For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.

Psalm 48:14 For such is God, Our God forever and ever; He will guide us until death.

Psalm 73:24 With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory.

Isaiah 49:10 For He who has compassion on them will lead them And will guide them to springs of water.

Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will continually guide you.

Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life.

And of course, Psalm 32:8 (AKJV) I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall 
go: I will guide you with My eye.

A lot of prayers went up on our flight into Chicago, as it was exceedingly rough. “What if the wings break off?” We later heard that a bad stretch of weather had hit the eastern seaboard had affected flights all day. That is why our plane left late, and the connecting flight from Nashville was delayed.

Our prayer was not only for “help” in meeting the next plane, but thanks for the wonderful time we had in sharing the Lord and learning about singing. Was our prayer for a connection answered? You could say that we had prayed for a fait accompli: Something that had already been done. On the other hand, God had orchestrated the entire day to bring us together. It is not far fetched to realize that He completed the entire day with a flight home. We prayed for His guidance and protection that morning. God answered.

Prayers were answered all day, and they were welcome and profitable on that plane. Maybe we need  another little book named, "Pray."

Do you have a song running through your head from Sunday? The Gettys say that a good worship experience will stay with you, both in the message and the music. We sang “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” on Sunday and it is still rocking around in there. The sermon was also very poignant and even the bulletin was inspiring. What a church.

That will be the topic of the next discussion. Keep an eye out.

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