Tuesday, January 2, 2018


As we finish the “old year” and embark on a new one we are struck again with one key component in creation. That is the concept of “starting over.” We read in Genesis 1 that the sun, moon, and stars were established to be time keepers. (V. 14)
“Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;”

It is not specifically stated, but by marking the day and night, they also present a repeat of the previous day. Notice the specifics: “signs, seasons, days, and years.” The earth rotates to produce a new day every 24 hours. The moon orbits the planet every 27.322 days. Notice the interrelated timing mechanisms? Then the earth rotates around the sun, passing through four seasons, repeatedly. This takes 365.25 days. And the monthly changes, denoted by the moon, are incorporated into the calendar as Jewish festivals.

Days, signs, seasons, and years are all part of the “restarting” process. We start every day, new. We start every week, new. We start every month new. We start every season, new. We start every year, new. The concept of the second chance (and more) is integral to God’s plan for man. This also is reflected in theological terms.

A-dahm and Eve got a second chance after disobeying the specific command of God. The God of the second chance manifests His tolerance and forgiveness in life after life. The children of Israel refused to enter the land, then, 40 years later got a second chance. Samson got a second chance when his hair grew back. Jonah got a second chance after his little swim. Elijah had a “second word” when sleeping under a broom tree. Time after time, we read, “The Word of the Lord came to XXX a second time.”

The New Testament is also replete with second chances. Saul, later Paul, refused his first encounter and was stopped by a vision. Peter was given a second chance. All of the disciples ran away except John. In reality, all of us have multiple opportunities to start over.

The God of the second chance previewed this in creation. What a blessing. As we begin the next circuit of the sun, we can resolve to be more careful to hopefully avoid the need for a replay. But, God’s mercy is never exhausted.

Happy New Year. Have a good restart.

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