Thursday, November 2, 2017

Answer A Fool

Proverbs 26: 4 and 5 appear, at first glance, to be a contradiction.
Proverbs 26:4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him..

Proverbs 26:5 Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.

Remember that these proverbs are given to guide a wise man in how to act, particularly in relation to a fool. (26:1-12) I counted 11 mentions of how a “fool” acts in these 12 verses. This twin couplet occurs about in the middle of the passage.

Verse 4 says not to answer “according to” or like the fool. You will appear to be a fool also. And you probably are. It may have been my Dad who told me, “Never argue with a fool. All you get is two fools fighting.” The recent demonstrations in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro may be a good example of how not to respond to a “fool’s” actions. Anyone who attempted to rebut either side surely found themselves in a foolish argument. Another witticism that applies is, “Never try to out shout a shouter.”

But, there are times when the foolish actions or words are presented in a framework that has the cachet of respectability or even erudition. If these instances are left unchallenged, at least the fool thinks he is wise. The written statements of the demonstrators may at times require a refutation. The foolish may not gain from this, but he does not, at least, walk away thinking that he has posited an unanswered argument.

I remember the very first debate tournament which the LeTourneau debate team entered. We came out of all four rounds exulting that we had certainly won them all. Our coach, Dr. Terry, did not comment on our evaluations until we had a chance to read the ballots. We lost them all, and lost badly. He said that he had expected this, because it was the first time we had ever debated.

We did not know enough even to know whether we had won or lost. We did learn, and became fairly proficient. (Shameless self congratulation.) The point is, that we might answer a fool, yet he does not perceive that he has been refuted, like we “debate fools.” But the “coach,” or outside advisor does see what has happened.

Many of our cultural clashes involve these two Proverbs. We must be wise enough to distinguish whether to apply verse 4 or verse 5. Never be foolish in answering a fool.

But we may reasonably produce an answer for anyone else who may witness the confrontation. In fact, it seems incumbent that we do answer such nonsense.  That is my excuse for answering people who proclaim that the earth is a flat disk. And that one race is superior to another. Or that abortion is a positive thing. fill in the blank.

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