Thursday, September 21, 2017

An Invitation

Genesis: The Book of Beginnings

How many of us have had a study of Genesis? Not creation, or Adam and Eve, or Noah, or Abraham, or Jacob and Joseph, but the full longitudinal study of the whole book. It runs for at least 2500 years and possibly more. It is a book of history, mystery, and wonder. And after we start, we will wonder why we did not do it before.

I would suggest either a Sunday afternoon or Tuesday evening. If you are interested, let me know by email or PM. If we have enough interest with too many conflicts, we can even run one both times. I have taught a Bible class that at one time was attended by two. I was one and a student was two. It turned out that he became a Naval officer and let many Bible studies where ever he was stationed. It was not a waste of time. Glory.

So if you wish to join us, we can meet as a twosome. Or even on line. Hey, I just got an idea. Facebook has this thing where you can have a video link and go where ever Facebook goes. And I think you can even video tape it and make it available anytime. I will check that out and see if it is feasible.

In the meantime, the “live” sessions are “open enrollment” right now. Let me know if you are interested. (You might be the “studio audience” for our internet outreach! But if you are camera shy, we can promise to not show you. Just in case.)

Genesis: THE Book of beginnings. It is the beginning of the world (1) and of people (2). They are followed by the beginning of God’s preparation of the world for His Son, the Messiah. (3) Number Four is the introduction of the father of God’s people to focus on the chosen line, and finally the direct forefather of the Messiah (5). These five grand themes consume 50 chapters, and, as noted before, several thousand years. We need this in our quiver as we confront a world that increasingly denies or ignores the Biblical basis of our country and of mankind in general.

I trust it will be worth your time. Contact me soon. Thank you.

I will send or post a summary of the first lesson soon.

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