Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cyrus: Isaiah 45 The Beginning

Jeremiah was a bullfrog and Isaiah was a prophet during the reign of King Hezekiah. (2 Kings 16-18 and 2 Chronicles 28-32) (Well the first statement may just be a cool song, but it is a jumping, jiving lead in to our study. And Isaiah will be far more exciting, invigorating, and interesting (e,i,i) than a frog.)

Chapter 45 begins with a comment to Cyrus. The e, i, and i thing about this is that Isaiah was prophesying about 150 years before the events he will ascribe to some future ruler named Cyrus. This is, besides our earlier adjectives, fascinating and intriguing. Imagine some guy in Abraham Lincoln's time writing about what Donald Trump would do, including calling him by name. This is no Nostradamus generality. It is a pinpoint, identified, named individual.

Our goal is to get to verses 5 and 6 today, but if we do not, there is plenty to occupy our attention. Yahweh promises to do all sorts of amazing and almost unbelievable things for this guy. We have to get to verse 4 to find out why. The Lord notes that even though Cyrus did not know Him, the Lord knew Cyrus and was going to use him to deliver Judah. Later on we will read of how he would, and did release Israel from Babylon captivity.

Well, it is really Persian captivity at that point, because according to other prophesies, Babylon would be overthrown by the Medes and Persians. (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel) And here was where King (or whatever) Cy came into the story. Daniel was a captive in Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar deported most of the Jews from Judea.

Long story short, Daniel rose through the ranks of everyone to become a trusted advisor and confidant of Nebby. Then he seemed to have been forgotten by the Babylonian successors until the story of the "handwriting on the wall." (Daniel 5) There, Belshazzar, probably Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, was reintroduced to Daniel and tried to make Daniel the third ruler in the kingdom.

Daniel declined, which is not too startling. He had just informed Belly that the Medes and Persians, who were currently besieging Babylon, would conquer the city and country. No sense in being "third ruler" of a vanquished, defunct dynasty. Daniel then progressed through the Median rule of Darius (chapter 6) and finally to Darius' successor, Cyrus.
    28 So Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

Allow me to apply a little sanctified supposition here, and try to explain the situation. When Cyrus succeeded his ally, Darius, he inherited part of the "cabinet." Darius undoubtedly praised Daniel to the new ruler and, unknown to Cy, the Lord was working in the choices that he was making. So Daniel was accorded a prominent position as advisor to the new guy.

We know Daniel was familiar with the prophesy of Jeremiah. (Daniel 9:1)
    I, Daniel, understood from the books according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet.... (Jeremiah 25:11, 12; 29:10)

He had counted the 70 years and realized that it was "time to go home." Is it too far fetched to imagine that Daniel pointed this out to Cyrus, along with the messages in Isaiah (if we ever get to it), which he also knew, and encouraged Cyrus to cooperate with the Lord. Result? He sent the Children of Israel home. (2 Chronicles 36. See, Chronicles is not a dumb old book after all. It vibrates with intrigue and excitement.)

Notice that Yahweh even calls Cyrus "by name," about a century and half before he was born. So when Daniel pointed out our verses today, Cyrus was all ears. (And he didn't even need a bull frog to attract his attention.) We should listen too.

    Isaiah 45:5, 6 I am Yahweh, and there is no other; there is no God but Me. I will strengthen you, though you do not know Me, 6 so that all may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is no one but Me. I am Yahweh, and there is no other.

Notice the first and last phrases. "I am Yahweh, and there is no other." They are identical, flanked by "there is none but Me." We might call this the sandwich of the One and unique Yahweh, with an introduction to the recipient, Cyrus. The introduction sandwich.

He is Yahweh, the only One, and any other gods are counterfeits. This was by way of introduction so that Cyrus would appreciate what is coming. Notice that the Lord does not even get to the "meat" of His plan for Cyrus until verse 13 which we will examine later.

Foremost in the message is the introduction. Yahweh was intent on giving Cyrus an understanding of the One with Whom he was dealing. Yahweh means the "self existent One." Daniel surely explained what that meant. As mentioned earlier, the fake gods were of no account. This Yahweh was also foreknowing. You do not know Me, but I know you. And your actions, Cyrus, will display this God to the rest of the world. ("...rising of the sun to its setting....")

Cyrus, by his actions would be a partner with the declaration of God's power, authority, and exclusiveness to the entire world. What a challenge. What an opportunity. What a legacy. (I think we will see Cyrus in glory.)

Anyone want to join Cyrus, and me, as we spread the message? "I am Yahweh. There is no one but God (Me) and there is no other. I am Yahweh."
"We've only just begun..." to look at Isaiah. See you soon.

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