Monday, February 20, 2017

Blessings: Answered Prayer

Answered prayer is one of the most exciting things we can consider. And when it is personal, that is a little nicer. God does not answer our prayers to make our lives easier. He does it to bring glory to Him and give us another chance to praise Him.

Case in point: On Thursday I lost, misplaced, or something a gift card for $150 in services at a local tire place. I discovered the loss on Friday morning and of course prayed, "Lord help me find it." I looked everywhere and called a couple of places. No one had seen it.

A second prayer was less selfish. "Lord I do not know where it is and if someone needs it worse than I do, please bless them with it. And whether or not I get it back, I will praise You for Your provision. Amen."

No card yet. But, on Saturday morning I had to order a water pressure relief valve and found one on Amazon. As I was checking out, I recalled an email from, of all people, "The Tennessean." I opened it out and they had awarded me $100 in Amazon credit for answering some questions on surveys that they had sent out. Wahoo!

Later in the afternoon I needed a bracket to mount an appliance and it was not with the kit we received. We looked it up on line and there it was, $90. A substitute was still $50. On a whim I went to Home Depot and they had nothing. Lowes was next and they also did not carry the item.

But the guy I talked to said, "I think I have some old ones in storage. We are going to throw them out. If it won't offend you, I will let you have it--for nothing."

I allowed as how I might be able to withstand the offense and he checked. He had one. A quick call to his supervisor produced approval for the "disposal" of the bracket. I walked out with my bracket and the $90 still in my pocket.

So the Lord, using Lowes and "The Tennessean," has blessed me with $190 or so. I wished the card I had "given up" had been larger. (Not really. Not presuming on this.)

God does provide over and above, even if our "offering" is inadvertent. But I will be more careful in the future.

Have a great day and God Bless America. Pray for our leaders.

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