Monday, March 27, 2017

Quantum Leap

"Quantum Leap" was a program on TV where a brilliant scientist, Sam, had figured out how to move about in time. (Not believable and I can prove it, but for now we will voluntarily suspend disbelief for the story.) He would "leap" into a situation that required "correction." Hence the name, "Quantum Leap."

Sam would leap in and suddenly become a person in the story at a critical juncture. In a couple of minutes he realizes what is going on and his trademark exclamation would ensue. "Hoo-boy!" He would proceed to "change history," (again impossible) to make things work out for the better. It was a fun show to watch, as long as you kept the caveats in mind.

There is a Quantum Leap story in Acts 8. Saul had begun tp persecute the church and they scattered all over the countryside. Philip went north about 30-35 miles to Samaria. He preached to the people and had a wonderful turning to Christ. People were saved accompanied by tremendous miracles. Peter and John went down there and confirmed everything.

Then the Holy Spirit spoke to Philip and instructed him to leave the prospering church and head south to Gaza. All the way to Gaza is about 49 miles past Jerusalem, but Philip was "on the road." So the 35 miles down from Samaria would be part of the trip then however far down he went. A later note has him going to Azotus, (Ashdod) which is about level with Jerusalem on the map but closer to the Mediterranean Sea.

The point is that Philip traveled a long distance, for a guy on foot, to get to his mission stations. Our short story begins here when Philip encountered the Ethiopian eunuch and preached to him. As they came up out of the water after Philip baptized the eunuch...
    39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing.

I imagine that Mr. E was surprised, but who knows what this God could do? Incidentally a verse from above stands out. The eunuch was reading from Isaiah. He asked Philip who the passage was describing.
    ...and beginning from this Scripture he (Philip) preached Jesus to him.

Is the Old Testament useful in evangelism? Well it seems that Philip was quite proficient in using it. And it was a good thing, because the New Testament was not yet written. We need to know the Old Testament to understand the New. Read Peter's sermons in the early Acts. But I digress.

Anyway the new believer went on home and probably taught the Scriptures to his household. And in the meantime...
    40 ...Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.

Hoo-boy! Philip came out of the water and "flash!" the "Quantum Leap" of the New Testament moved Phil to a new location. (Same time, of course, because, like I told you, time travel is not possible.) And, just like Sam, Philip takes up where he left off in the last "episode" and continued preaching, even all the way to Caesarea. This is about 58 miles back north.

Philip seemed to not be fazed by the changes of location. He just rolled with the changes and kept on "doing his thing," which was telling people about Jesus. Some think that he may have been involved with Peter's visit to Cornelius, and Philip was the host for Paul as he was between his missionary trips. (Acts 21:8)

The focus for us is two fold. Be ready at any time to "preach' as Peter said, " ready always." (1 Peter 3:15) Second be ready to preach from any passage. Genesis to Revelation is acceptable as Scripture to tell the Story. It all points to Jesus. We need to know our story so that we can tell it. 

Read the Old Testament. It does not take a quantum leap to get from anywhere in the Bible to Jesus. It is just a small step.

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